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 v.— «No, she did not shrimp my toes…» —“Re: Monica’s A Psycho?” by James Jorden (jjorden@ix.netcom.com) Usenet: alt.showbiz.gossip Feb. 1, 1998. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


shrimp  v.— «My offer to shrimp her toes was turned down on the grounds that one either knew how to lick webbing or one didn’t, and she wasn’t going to teach me on the first date.» —“My Date With Eris” by nu-monet v4.0...


shrimp  v.— «Even the quieter monied Jews of Wall Street look like homeless next to Bush’s pals in the oil bidness—pals who would just as soon see Israel go away so they could more comfortably shrimp the toes of the Arabs.» —by...