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Marriage With vs. Marriage To

A caller who grew up in Australia has a question about wedding-invitation etiquette in the U.S. She wonders: Shouldn’t an invitation refer to a daughter’s “marriage with” the groom rather than a “marriage to” him...

meat bee

meat bee  n.— «In Central Oregon, the two main problem species are the Western yellow jacket (Vespula pensylvanica) and the common yellow jacket (Vespula vulgaris). They are commonly referred to as “meat bees,” Bissell said. They aren’t in...

surgical souvenir

surgical souvenir  n.— «It turns out the collecting and, even, gifting of so-called “surgical souvenirs”—from the staples that seal a wound after surgery to gallstones to surgical screws and pins—isn’t exactly uncommon, or...


adminisdribble  n.— Note: Primarily used by this author only. «As I looked at what needed to be done by the team, I had categorized a host of tasks as “adminisdribble”—administrative tasks that shouldn’t be on the desks of...


spotting  n.— «In this case, this was [the filmmakers’] master’s project at the School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkley, and they had to finish up before graduation. Music is usually considered to be post-production...

box office

box office
 n.— «Womem shouldn’t fly. Why do you think they call it a cock-pit and not a box office.» —“Re: The 99’s” by Scot Pederson Usenet: rec.aviation.piloting Aug. 1, 1995. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)