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spanger  v.— «Turned out the guy had spare changed someone who she rightfully should have had a crack at. Part of me wanted to walk over, crouch down next to her, put my arm around her shoulder and say “Honey, at any given time of...

get fit

get fit  v. phr.— «Freeze had called a running play, around the right end, away from Michael’s side. Michael’s job was simply to take the defender who had been jabbering at him and wall him off. Just keep him away from the ball carrier...

hump strap

hump strap n. a band, belt, rope, or similar long, narrow strip used for carrying heavy objects, especially on one’s back. Editorial Note: The most common way to use a hump strap is to wrap it once securely around the object to be moved, take each...

deckle meat

deckle meat  n.— «Blade Meat.…Also called deckle meat or corner pieces. This boneless cut is situated over the shoulder end of the primal rib and is removed when the rib is prepared for roasting.» —by Arno Schmidt Chef’s...


deckle  n.— «The lean shoulder cut known as deckle is also used for pastrami, but Langer only likes the smaller, fattier navel—”Lean pastrami is dry,” he says.» —“Great Pastrami Taste-Off Matches Sandwiches From L.A.‘s Top...


stinger  n.— «The London-born special-ed physical education professional suffered what in gridiron parlance is called a stinger. Nothing to be afraid of, they say. It’s just like whacking your funny bone and having that shiver go down your...