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ones and twos

ones and twos  n.pl.— «In the campaign’s final weekend, candidates weren’t trying to turn out voters who might not vote their way. They were chasing the “ones and twos,” political-junkie shorthand for the most likely supporters...


Dad  n.— «Highlights were as plentiful as notes he extracted from his acoustic guitar. “Dad’s Gonna Kill Me” struck a nerve, especially when he explained that “Dad” was shorthand for Baghdad the same way “Nam” was short for Vietnam...


ro  n.— «It’s guys like Foley who give gays a bum rap, despite the fact that the vast majority of predatory trolls are heterosexual. For all the Foleys out there, ‘ro or ‘mo, I’ll shorthand it for you: Keep your grubby paws...


NIP  n.— «To hear some mothers tell it, there are still stores and restaurants hostile to women who nurse in public—or NIP, the shorthand used on breast-feeding Web sites.» —“The great New York breast-feeding test” by Tracy...


deef  v.— «Most mid-level tournaments hold their singles qualifying rounds on Saturday and Sunday, which overlap with the doubles finals of the previous week’s event. So if you do well in doubles, you cannot qualify in the next singles...


qualie  n.— «Most mid-level tournaments hold their singles qualifying rounds on Saturday and Sunday, which overlap with the doubles finals of the previous week’s event. So if you do well in doubles, you cannot qualify in the next singles...