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arctic shell

arctic shell  n.— «Although there are no strict definitions, “cold shells” are generally facilities where tenants may have to install bathrooms, elevators and air conditioning. But that’s not as bad as an “arctic...

cold shell

cold shell  n.— «Although there are no strict definitions, “cold shells” are generally facilities where tenants may have to install bathrooms, elevators and air conditioning. But that’s not as bad as an “arctic...

warm shell

warm shell  n.— «Although there are no strict definitions, “cold shells” are generally facilities where tenants may have to install bathrooms, elevators and air conditioning. But that’s not as bad as an “arctic...

gesture security

gesture security  n.— «His agency would mix up the deployment of the marshals, presumably to fool the bad guys. This, of course, assumes the bad guys had prior knowledge of which flights the incognito air marshals would be on. Unless I’m...


duder  n.— «While your description of a “striped-shirt guy” is quite accurate, I would have to argue that a “duder” ranks slightly differently, and lower on the heirarchical scale of cookie-cutter males, if you...

bake blind

bake blind  v. phr.— «When recipes tell you to bake blind, they don’t mean cover your eyes. Baking blind is the term for cooking a pie shell—partially or completely—without any filling. You shouldn’t just pop the shell in the oven. It’ll...