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momager  n.— «Kris said she advocated the Playboy shoot for business reasons—not only is she Kim’s mom, she’s also her manager, or as she calls it, her “momager.”» —“The Kardashians: Bradys Meet Reality TV” by...

warm shell

warm shell  n.— «Although there are no strict definitions, “cold shells” are generally facilities where tenants may have to install bathrooms, elevators and air conditioning. But that’s not as bad as an “arctic...

cold shell

cold shell  n.— «Although there are no strict definitions, “cold shells” are generally facilities where tenants may have to install bathrooms, elevators and air conditioning. But that’s not as bad as an “arctic...

arctic shell

arctic shell  n.— «Although there are no strict definitions, “cold shells” are generally facilities where tenants may have to install bathrooms, elevators and air conditioning. But that’s not as bad as an “arctic...

tropical shell

tropical shell  n.— «Although there are no strict definitions, “cold shells” are generally facilities where tenants may have to install bathrooms, elevators and air conditioning. But that’s not as bad as an “arctic...