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rough in

rough in  n.— «Plumbers use what’s called a “rough in” sheet that comes with exposed sinks to place the water and drain lines inside the wall exactly where they need to stick out under the fixture.» —“Single to double...

postman’s holiday

postman’s holiday n. a vacation or holiday spent in a pastime similar to one’s usual employment. Editorial Note: This is a synonym for the far more common “busman’s holiday,” which dates to at least 1893. Thanks to Al Rotches for...

sheet flow

sheet flow  n.— «Norfolk Public Works spokeswoman Sylvia Ballinger said Little Bay depends on a process called “sheet flow” for drainage. That means water flows off the streets into a grassy era. It’s a drainage method also...

smash cake

smash cake  n.— «I noticed two cakes on the table, both obviously courtesy of a bakery. One was quite small in comparison to the sheet cake and was yellow, much like the color of a smiley face. After the hamburgers and hot dogs and a...


sheetrockero n. a person who hangs drywall, also known as gypsum board or sheet rock. Also sheetroquero. Editorial Note: The book Learning Construction Spanglish includes the Spanglish verb shiroquear, meaning to “to hang drywall or...


graphene  n.— «The latest craze in materials science is graphene, a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon that looks like molecular chicken wire. Graphene is the thinnest of all possible materials in the universe. It shares many of the properties...