name-shame-blame v. phr.— «Of the 150 instances of abuse that they cite, I reckon that probably only a small number will be genuine, but proving this is even more difficult in today’s climate of “name-shame-blame, whatever the truth...
max up v. phr.— «He said he was “maxed up” on all his credit cards. There was no shame in his voice. In fact there was a certain pride. He seemed to think it was pretty cool to be in debt; “live life to the max”...
shamburger n.— «At the South Bank Polytechnic, a team of food scientists is labouring to produce a bean burger made of tempeh (fermented rice and soya beans). They call it a Shamburger. I call it a shame.» —“You don’t have to mortify...
light a bulb v. phr.— «Lame Deer District Councilman Jace Killsback said drug users have “no shame” and will smoke meth in public. Using the slang of his 20-something generation, Killsback said they “light a bulb in...
stringer n.— «Twitchathons, which are held across the country in spring, rely on the honesty of competitors, and perhaps the fear of the ultimate birdwatching shame—being labelled a “stringer,” the term for those suspected of...
moobie n.— «Perhaps we plumbed new depths in the annals of body tyranny last week when The Sun published a hall of shame of “moobies”—its neologism for male boobs.» —“Do my moobs look big in this?” by Deirdre...