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Romeo and Juliet law

Romeo and Juliet law  n.— «Sarah Farley is awaiting a hearing within the next two days on three counts under what is commonly called the “Romeo and Juliet law.” It’s defined as when one teen under the age of 19 has sex with...


slamming  n.— «“Slamming” is the term used to describe crystal meth injection—and is being seen more and more among gay and bisexual men…especially those who are more chronic users or are addicted.» —“Hit Me With Your Best...


drape  n.— «Enter Mr. Sapienza, the freshly recruited weight-training instructor from the Maryland Reform School for Boys. In less than a week, using nonviolent methods that probably would get him fired today, he had the...

fuck-me factor

fuck-me factor  n.— «Ever since Jagger emerged from a mechanical lotus flower in 1975, such audience-bewitching coups have been deemed essential to every Stones tour. They are known, in Stones patois, as the “f***-me factor...


casey  n.— «A “casey” is a person who has been a case study in a television documentary about teenagers and sex.…“Being a casey is a real turn-on at the time, but it does have its problems.…It has ruined my love...


donty  n.— «A “donty” (from don’t know) is a person who has never been surveyed.» —“Teen sex surveys ruin your love life” by Oliver Pritchett Telegraph (United Kingdom) Aug. 16, 2006. (source:...