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bro job

bro job  n.— «John Waters: “A bro job is two straight boys having sex. You know, like, ‘Hey, bro.’ They don’t want to say they’re gay so they call it ‘bro job,’ which I think’s hilarious. It could also be a gay guy blowin’ a straight...


ductor  n.— «A couple years ago, we were shocked at the news of sex on buses and in taxis between teenaged girls and bus/taxi drivers and “ductors.”» —“Females can help put music videos meaning in context” by...

Velvet Mafia

Velvet Mafia  n.— «But the homosexual lobby focuses us on the “hard cases”—children (who have incidentally contracted AIDS from parents involved in drug needle use or aberrant sex)—to legitimize all. If indeed there is a GOP...


gagglefuck  n.— «The fact of the matter is, America’s misadventure in Iraq is over, a misadventure handed to us by neo-conservatives [read Jewish Zionists], it’s become a complete gagglef*ck as they say in the cavalry and it is...

pass the trash

pass the trash  v. phr.— «Offending teachers sometimes get help landing another teaching job from former bosses. The practice is so well known among educators they refer to it by name. They call it “passing the trash...


killographic  n.— «“If pornographic is the ‘graphic depiction of sex,’ then killographic should enter our vocabulary to describe the “graphic depiction of brutal violence,”’ David Walsh, the institute’s president, told a...