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libero  n.— «One of the additions was the libero. It’s an Italian word meaning “free”…can come in at any time in the back row without counting against the team’s substitution limit.» —“Gophers, Gentil geared up for...

fais do-do

fais do-do  n.— «Despite the album’s throwback ethos, the boys in the band keep things hopping—”fais-do-do-ing,” in New Orleans parlance.» —“CD Reviews: Jay-Z and Linkin Park, Alison Krauss, Handsome Boy Modeling School...


skull  v.— «In golf parlance, Allen “skulled” both efforts. His right foot hit the ground several inches before the target and he basically hit the top of the ball.» —“Kicking it up a notch” by Jeff...


chimenea  n.— «For those of you who have wished for an outdoor fireplace to sit around with a mug of hot chocolate or coffee, then the chimenea may be just what you need. They are made out of clay and come in a wide range of sizes, colors...

backdoor draft

backdoor draft  n.— «That’s a draft…a backdoor draft. That’s compulsory military service…against the individual’s will.» —“Uncle Sam still wants them” by Bettijane Levine Orlando...


spizzerinctum  n.— «For the explosive substance in the bomb hydrogen, he substituted knowledge, and for uranium, the fuse, spizzerinctum. This he defined as “energy ambition and the will to succeed.”» —“Publishers Told...