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cocaine bugs

cocaine bugs n.pl. a skin itch or the sensation that bugs are under one’s skin, caused by the hallucinatory effects of cocaine and its derivatives; formication. Editorial Note: Scotoma, mentioned in the first cite, is defined by WordNet as “an...

crunk ‘n’ b

crunk ’n’ b  n.— «Following a frenetic yet lacklustre, tracks-only stint by young R&B (or crunk “n’ b in the current vernacular) sensation Ciara, the easygoing Afro-American allowed his DJ, Benny-D (a Virgin Islands native) to...


slush  n.— «Nouveau mot à la mode dans le milieu automobile, certains matériaux sont slush dans la 159. Cela signifie que la finition est opaque et la sensation tactile agréable. Cette technologie de pointe de « slush...