swiper n.— «Some venues have even resorted to installing ID card machines, known to security as “swipers.” “The first thing we do is swipe the card, and it shows exactly what the card should say on the screen,” says Mario, bouncer...
cliff risk n.— «In the credit derivatives market, certain instruments are exposed to what is known as “cliff risk.” This ominous sounding phrase describes a situation where the last in a series of adverse developments obliterates the...
clean-skin n.— «The fear has always been the so-called “clean skin’—that’s a person whose documents are completely legitimate, are not forged.» —“Briton ‘could stage another September 11’” by Toby...
shortfalling n.— «While Democrats in Congress have vowed to investigate the findings, Bush said “the IG report, which justly made issue of FBI shortfallings, also made it clear that these letters were important to the security of...
skeewampus n.— «This is where it all goes a bit skeewampus (technical term meaning FUBAR).» —“Security Versus Civil Liberties Debate Bubbles to Surface Again, With No Solution in Sight” by Mike Baker Fox News Mar...
code pink n.— «Key cards get authorized personnel access to where they need to be. All of the nursery staff have a little bear on their ID so you know they’re legitimate. As a last resort, there’s something called “Code Pink,”...