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rebadging  n.— «In a practice sometimes called “rebadging” or “rebranding,” base models of used cars have other features such as sunroofs, leather seats or roof racks added—along with badges or stickers indicating...

container syndrome

container syndrome  n.— «It’s a controversial theory, but a vocal contingent of doctors and physical therapists believe the strap-in chairs and carriers that millions of parents have come to rely on are contributing to an increase in cases...

seat racing

seat racing  n.— «In rowing, boats qualify for their country based on performance at events like the world championships and other Olympic qualifiers, then the athletes compete for seats in the boats. The process, known as “seat...

bottom currency

bottom currency  n.— «If she were to pay for all her transport, food and accommodation expenses when she is away from home, she would make very little profit. So to boost her profit margins, she pays using what is known as “bottom...

Dibs, Hosey, or Finnie

Halloo and hiya! Here's another podcast from A Way with Words. When you were a child and wanted to lay claim to something, what did you say? Did you call "dibs"? Or did you "hosey" it? A caller is curious about another verb...


ten-twent-thirt  n.— «The result has been, so the theatre managers themselves agree, not only the practical extinction of the cheaper melodramas which used to cater to “the masses,” the “ten-twent-thirts,” as they...

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