anti-backpacker n.— «Goldenchild is different from your anti-backpacker or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. He has an open mind. He’s heard the underground hip-hop but he likes jay-z and shit like that more.» —“Re: BackPackers...
skull v.— «You are no longer playing irony golf, and when you screw up and need to get the irony back to help blunt the frustration of skulling the next shot, you find it’s not that easy.» —by Johnny Miller Breaking 90 with...
spinner n.— «There’s the predictable “Hi, Mum” and “Missing you, Julie” alongside common prison lingo such as “screw” and “spinner,” the latter a term referring to the inmate generally known...
en chinga adv. fast, hurriedly, quickly. Etymological Note: From the Spanish chingar ‘to copulate; to screw.’ (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)