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lunch packet actor

lunch packet actor  n.— «I started off as what was known as a “lunch packet” actor—in rolls that you would hardly notice. In fact I can’t still find myself in my first film Kristhu Charithaya where I played one of Jesus’...


swiper  n.— «Some venues have even resorted to installing ID card machines, known to security as “swipers.” “The first thing we do is swipe the card, and it shows exactly what the card should say on the screen,” says Mario, bouncer...


chimping  v.— «Digital photography has spread so quickly among photo journalists that the term “chimping” was coined. It’s when a photographer examines the images on his camera’s screen using his thumbs to manipulate controls...


chimp v. to take a digital photo and look at it on the camera’s screen. Editorial Note: The term probably comes from scornful references to amateur photographers as “chimps,” a term which is used in other contexts to mean a fool or...


chimping  v.— «I saw a reference to “chimping” in regards to [sports] photography and how a digital camera with an LCD screen can make it easier, probably for instant review. My guess is it refers to holding your camera over...

dicking screen

dicking screen  v.— «We’re about to cross a river, and I ask the reason for stopping here and having the men deployed around the place? “The reason for stopping is that a bridge by its nature forms a vulnerable point,” another...