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scratch and dent mortgage

scratch and dent mortgage  n.— «Hanover’s primary niche is buying “scratch and dent” mortgage portfolios that for one reason or another do not qualify for Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.» —“Hanover Weathers REIT...


flake  n.— «A big flake of straw thrown out onto the snow, along with some scratch feed, made it a bit more tempting a place to explore and soon half the flock were out in the sun.» —“Spring cleaning in January” by Vicki...

scratch and dent mortgage

scratch and dent mortgage  n.— «Founded in 1996, New York-based C-Bass specializes in investing in distressed home mortgage loans. Also known as “scratch and dent” mortgages, these are loans that were either not documented properly or on...

chicken tractor

chicken tractor  n.— «A Chicken tractor is a chicken coop built on wheels and without a floor. This allow you to move the chickens around your orchard or yard on a regular basis. They eat the bugs, scratch and fertilize the soil and after...

scratch track

scratch track  n.— «I closed the door to my booth and put on my headphones. As the musicians recorded, I was supposed to sing a “scratch track,” one that would not be used but would let the band know when the singing would occur. The real...


scrilla  n.— «scrilla n.—Money, feddie, cabbage, scratch, scrilla, paper. I suppose its alright to call it scrill for short. Now go get your scrill on.» —“Bay Area Slang” by Christopher Abad Ambient...