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golden thread

golden thread  n.— «This reluctance to sign up for the army life is being ascribed partly to the merger last year of the six Scottish regiments into one, with the consequent loss of regional identity. This identity is referred to as the...


tinkie  n.— «As I understand it, and I can’t claim fully to understand, they spend the Scottish winter in Australia touring their relatives in a camper van and building themselves a sort of ecological dream house near Perth in the west...


eef  v.— «Deke Dickerson, called a “rock mainstay” in an April 2003 article in Guitar Player Magazine, is an old “eefer” himself. He explains that eefin is a “sort of wheezing-in-rhythm thing that was popular amongst hillbillies. It goes...


chain-linking  n.— «Mather smells a rat in all this tinkering, convinced it’s a statistical conspiracy, designed to show Scottish output in the best possible light, when once dominant sectors, like electronics mass assembly, wither away...

tartan noir

tartan noir  n.— «Scottish detective fiction, or Tartan Noir as it’s called, with its brooding sensibility, brutal humor and fixation on the nature of guilt and punishment, has more in common with the Russian novel than it does with...


bumper  n.— «The Konzertstuck for four horns, which will preface the BBC SSO’s performance of Manfred, also looks like being allowed to speak for itself. When, some years ago, the work was presented by another Scottish orchestra, the...