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setiologist n. a person who investigates or searches for signs of extraterrestrial life. Etymological Note: Search for extraterrestrial intelligence + ologist. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


shamburger  n.— «Science has since turned the soybean into a nutritious food called textured soy protein. Versions of this product tastes like meat. On May 7, 1973, Sally Bennett introduced her version called the Shamburger.…“It...

cow-dust hour

cow-dust hour  n.— « She in her cotton skirt,/bare feet in sandals/and with him/in jeans and sleeveless vest, they might be a Brahmin couple/wed ritually at the cow-dust hour,/sashed together with a silken scarf...

Johari window

Johari window  n.— «To help gauge each risk’s likelihood and potential impact, some companies find it useful to create what’s known as a “Johari window.” You first assess each threat’s probability—from low to high—and assign it...


pimp  v.— «I can’t say how long the term “pimping” has been used in medical circles but I first heard the term six years ago when I began working at a teaching hospital. The term comes from the fact that the clinical...


Mahdaviat  n.— «A spokesman last week dismissed the video as fake (other sources confirm it is authentic), and denied that Ahmadinejad bases decisions on “heavenly affairs.” But this presidential obsession with the Mahdaviat...