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The Birds and the Bees

Hi, ho! Lots of “Behind The Scenes” news from “A Way with Words” this week, but first: In this week’s episode, we discuss “burrito babies” and other college slang. Also, “overegging the pudding,”...

The Eagle Has Landed

Howdy, folks! You still have three days to win a brand-new “A Way with Words” iPod Shuffle stocked with our 10 favorite episodes of the show, plus room for much more. To be eligible, take the listener feedback survey: It takes just a...

dead man’s switch

dead man’s switch  n.— «This pyrotechnic crew won’t be sitting around, though, until the “dead man’s switch,” as it is called, is clicked to start the show. Until then, they’re moving boxes, cutting tape and sorting through...


tag  n.— «After their stories air, reporters have a chance to add live remarks highlighting specific information in what is called a “tag.”» —“Behind The Scenes: A Reporter’s Day” by Claritza E. Jimenez CBS2Chicago...

spray sheet

spray sheet  n.— «You have data you get now as a manager or as a coach for infield players that tells you where guys hit it in certain counts. You know all their tendencies.…You have what’s called a “spray sheet.” We used...


renderwall  n.— «Churning out scenes like the destruction of Barad-dûr and the Battle of Pelennor Fields (with thousands of bloodthirsty CG Orcs) took 3,200 processors running at teraflop speeds through 10-gig pipes—that’s one epic...