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lay pipe

lay pipe  v. phr.— «In the first draft of every script ever written, especially the bad ones, there’s a character we writers call Sam the Explainer.…He’s the guy-gal-straight-gay-lesbian-bisexual-transgendered guy who stops the show...

guitar pull

guitar pull  n.— «There’s a scene in Heartworn Highways, the late Jim Szalapski’s 1975 documentary on singer/songwriters, that takes place around Guy Clark’s kitchen table on Christmas Eve. It’s a “guitar pull”—a term used to...

Starvation Corner

Starvation Corner  n.— «What Cafeteria III table serves as both a Starvation Corner and a Lonely Hearts Club during third lunch?» —“Teen Scene” by Susanne Shaw, Douglas Johnson Newport Mercury and Weekly...

Barmuda Triangle

Barmuda Triangle  n.— «Long the featured act at Park City’s Depot, Mr. Wyman has moved to performing Sundays and Mondays at the Pop Jenks at 438 Main, a club that opened a year ago as the third side of the “Barmuda Triangle...


chimping  v.— «I saw a reference to “chimping” in regards to [sports] photography and how a digital camera with an LCD screen can make it easier, probably for instant review. My guess is it refers to holding your camera over...

tiger stripe

tiger stripe  n.— «Belly has a more serious side.…There are also factual articles, mainly contributed by female writers, covering topics such as big women on the internet, the appeal of stretch marks (or tiger stripes), and the big...