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goobertron  n.— «God, I am such a huge goobertron. But at least now I know that the goopy cheese sauce thingie is also called a seasoning packet, in industry parlance.» —“for anyone who doubted my dedication to macaroni and...


jank  v.— «Modified version of something I janked of someone’s blog somewhere out there in the internet.» —“Thai peanut sauce…“ by thatgirljj (jj_cooks) thatgirljj’s Journal May 20, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued...

sauce shelf

sauce shelf  n.— «Thank you for mentioning Winona Ryder’s sauce shelf. I have been fawning over her since the day she turned 18 (and not one day earier)(except in Europe) and have always wondered why they didn’t get more attention. Large...

sauce shelf

sauce shelf n. a woman’s cleavage. Editorial Note: This term is not widely used. It has so far been most-used by the British publication MegaStar. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

sauce shelf

sauce shelf  n.— «Half-man-half-Vera-Duckworth Lisa went topless in the pool for a drunken dip. Red-blooded male viewers reportedly averted their gaze as the hatchet-faced Welsh whinger unloaded her sauce shelf.» —“Action stations in...

sauce shelf

sauce shelf  n.— «Johansson seems to have been cast in every third movie made recently, and gets incredible press every time she shows up on the red carpet displaying what the British tabloids refer to as her “sauce shelf...