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TagSan Bernardino

bump up

bump up  v. phr.— «He lauded the five killed in the Esperanza Fire as among the most trusted and urged their loved ones to “bump up,” a common firefighting term meaning “move forward.”» —“Firefighters pay...

slap tag

slap tag  n.— «Police seized adhesive tags used to spray graffiti on and stick to walls, referred to as “slap tags,” spray can tips, acrylic paints and etching tools in the man’s bedroom.» —“Vandal suspect...


squint  n.— «Booth allows her to participate in all facets of a murder investigation, not just the forensic research, the only duties with which “squints,” as he dubs scientists, are usually entrusted. “We’re Scully and...


Two-Buck-Chuck  n.— «Today, Bronco Wine controls approximately 35,000 acres of vineyard in the state and owns many brands. Franzia coined his two-dollar wine, known as “Two-Buck-Chuck” in certain circles, Charles Shaw...

Ebony Triangle

Ebony Triangle  n.— «The call for fairness came largely from what some have termed the “Ebony Triangle,” an area wedged between Interstates 10, 15 and 215 that is home to a relatively large concentration of blacks...


helitack  n.— «First of a series of tests—tabbed the Helitack Program—on the use of helicopters in firefighting will start next week in the San Bernardino National Forest.» —“Fire-Fighting Copter Tests Start in Forest” in...