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boxcar bill

boxcar bill  n.— «Often members of both parties’ leadership introduce what’s called “boxcar” bills—bills with general titles, like “tax changes”—that contain no text. They are introduced just in case, at the end of...

near the flagpole

near the flagpole  adv.— «He explains Clem’s presence with an old military saying: “Even though you’re out of the military, you want to stay near the flagpole.”» —“The Blue Soldier: Supernatural Encounters in Fort...


burnout  n.— «Fortunately it didn’t quite come to that, thanks to quick thinking from fire crews, who initiated burnouts. It may look out of hand, but these fires were set by firefighters intentionally. The idea…if you set a fire...

gay for the stay

gay for the stay  adj.— «Women who have endured incarceration have said in interviews that more than 90 percent of them participate in homosexual activities. “Gay for the stay” is one convict’s perception. The women consider...

boot party

boot party  n.— «Inmates throughout the BOP suffer boot-parties on an alarming scale because of this “trick bag.”…A few lumps on my head and a paint job on my eyes is far better than what could happen if I didn’t...

paint job

paint job  n.— «A few lumps on my head and a paint job on my eyes is far better than what could happen if I didn’t immediately fight—a boot party from my own people.» —“Cell Survivor” by John Bowers Salt Lake City...