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damselling  n.— «In his essay on Robert Walser, Coetzee refers to the pleasure the writer got from “damselling,” which he defines as “experiencing a feminine life imaginatively from the inside.” We are probably safe...


dew-drop  n.— «Q. I am a businesswoman, age 35. I have two lovers, and I notice that one of them “leaks” a little fluid, long before he discharges. Could this liquid make me pregnant? A. Yes. The “dew-drop,” as it...

Drive Safely

A wife seeks consolation because her husband always implores her to “drive safe” instead of “drive safely.” Martha says if he really loves her, he’ll use an adverb. Grant says it’s a message of love, so maybe the ...

purple water

purple water  n.— «An alternative to using gray water is treating it with a home sanitizer system to create what’s known as “purple water.” While it’s not safe enough to drink, purple water is considered safe enough for use on...

in-law chaser

in-law chaser  n.— «How much snow did you get? I played safe, stayed home in southern AZ. Could say because of the In-law chasers ( cold, wind swept snow, etc).» —“Toys for Tots Powwow – Dec. 4-5 – Gallup...


squid  n.— «Grumney’s main goal is to find a safe place to practice, off the streets and away from other motorists. Add to that the challenge of finding those safe spots, finding money and avoiding unsafe riders, who are commonly referred...