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pea-shake house

pea-shake house  n.— «There were many times that his father went to the local pea shake house and turned 25 cents into 25 dollars to support a family of nine. This is how he grew up and still today people are using ticket houses to make...

hot work

hot work  n.— «The January 2006 explosion at the Bethune Point Wastewater Treatment Plant might not have happened if the city had a safety program specifying when “hot work,” using flames such as welding or torch cutting, could...

tag gardening

tag gardening  n.— «I might be a little frustrated because when we went through this stage first, a couple of years ago, we decided that it was broken and tried to fix it adding tag sharing and tag gardening tools.» —“No Common Tag...

blood diamond

blood diamond  n.— «The international diamond industry sought to put the sparkle back into its image Wednesday, adopting strict new measures to stop rebel groups who trade gems for guns to fight some of Africa’s most vicious civil wars...

snout house

snout house  n.— «The proposal attacks what critics call “snout houses”—residences with the garages protruding in front of the living area.» —“Council Expects Full House For Design Rules Meeting” by Janet...

kiss and cry area

kiss and cry area  n.— «Yes, that place where figure skaters clutch their flowers and await their marks has a name—”the Kiss and Cry Area.”» —“Ioc’s Drug Rules Unclear Suspension Of Young For Taking Cold Medicine Raises...

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