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needle freak

needle freak  n.— «A fight broke out in the house’s laundry room between two brothers when one called the other a “needle freak,” another word for an intravenous drug user.» —“Man charged in Vidor stabbing” by...


crypsis  n.— «In those insect which gain protection from mechanisms other than crypsis (warning, threat and flash coloration), or even in those cryptic moths which benefit from resembling dead leaves, the melanics are rare, recessive, sub...

foot facelift

foot facelift  n.— «During a pedicure (that’s a foot facelift) this week, the beautician explained she was using a paddle-like instrument that used to be known as a pedi-file. Since the Wood Royal Commission hearings, they have been known...

teeth arm

teeth arm  n.— «The Royal Logistics Corps and the Signals also relied significantly on the T[erritorial] A[rmy]. There were lots of other teeth arm people out there—infantry people and special forces—and all of them were from the TA...

teeth arm

teeth arm  n.— «Teeth arm units are an Armoured Regiment (8th Canadian Hussars), an Infantry Battalion (1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment) and the Canadian Airborne Regiment.» —by Gary Gore Dec. 15, 1992. (source: Double...


cross-decking  n.— «Cooperation was evident at sea during the excercise both in simulated air strikes and anti-submarine warfare. The Kennedy and Ark Royal participated as a team with their planes “cross-decking”—landing and...