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cratology  n.— «The moment of truth for cratology came on October 10, when the first photographs of IL-28 crates en route to Cuba reached headquarters. Taken on September 28, these showed the Soviet ship Kasimov carrying ten crates which...


reef  v.— «Hauled it up the route 3x, once yarding it through the chimney up top (the other times i swung it onto the face). pack got hung up on a couple of the overlaps, but i just reefed on it rather than being gentle...


viewshed  n.— «The new route through the park will take the line out of sight about 90 per cent of the park visitors, and cut “viewshed” intrusion to 25 per cent.» —“Less Spoiling Route OK’d for Briones...

feedback sandwich

feedback sandwich  n.— «This is an especially tough one because they’re trying to be honest and tell it like it is. “When using this route as a dumper, provide them with what I call a “feedback sandwich” (positive...


geofence  n.— «The technology causing a stir is called “geofences,” and here’s how it might work: A struggling salesman veers off his route and slinks into a bar. Within moments, his boss knows he’s there. The bartender didn’t...


jackass v. to do something by brute force or by human power; to travel a circuitous route or itinerary. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)