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headcrack  n.— «He says the game pads his income substantially—he said he won $1,000 playing cee-lo in July alone. […] The best rolls are called “headcracks,” the highest of which is a “cee-lo”: a roll of a four, a five and a six...


cuffing  n.— «Cheaters can be a problem, Mr. Crum said. Some cheats prefer a method called “cuffing,” in which “loaded” dice, weighted to land on a certain number, are slipped into a pant leg and stealthily pulled out during a game...

Carncierge and Meatre D’

In a previous episode, a caller sought a classy term for a worker in the meat section of a cheese shop, something a little more sophisticated than, say, meatmonger. The helpful suggestions from listeners keep rolling in, and Grant and Martha share a...

butterfly gate

butterfly gate  n.— «The insert was among several in the Nov. 15 issue, celebrating the magazine’s 40th anniversary. All the inserts were what the industry calls butterfly gates—ad pages on the outside, which unfold to reveal pages of...


rick-roll  v. phr.— «Instead of the “hot stuff” they’re promised, they’re being diverted to video hosting site YouTube. More specifically the link goes to Rick Astley’s video to Never Gonna Give You Up. Rick Rolling is the...


rolling  n.— «Rolling: Testing a dog’s fighting ability by having it fight smaller dogs and other animals for several minutes.» —“Dog-fighting glossary” Fresno Bee (California) Aug. 5, 2007. (source: Double...