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Your mother gave you life, and you gave her … a boondoggle. Or is it a lanyard? Maybe a gimp? Grant assures a listener there are several terms for that long key fob you made at summer camp out of plastic yarn. Boondoggle seems to have...


cleanout  n.— «Salvation comes in the form of large cleansing cool winds that sweep in from the northwest. But as luck would have it, Rochester is the last to benefit from Mother Nature’s air freshener. After pushing through Detroit Lakes...


pishing  v.— «Birders are a passionate flock. They will travel anywhere to get a glimpse of a rare bird. They will watch TV and look for birds, laughing at Hollywood if they hear a common loon in the desert. They think and even talk like...

lunk alarm

lunk alarm  n.— «At Planet Fitness—which opened a location in Greece in March and plans to open one in Gates—grunting can trigger an ear-rattling siren and flashing lights. The so-called lunk alarm on the wall over the free weights has a...

wham play

wham play  n.— «Q: What is a “wham” play?—Evan Cole, Rochester…A: That’s another word for a kind of trap block. One example is when a tight end comes slowly in motion behind the offensive line just before the snap. A...


robe-itis  n.— «Dan Doyle, a Republican who serves as special counsel to Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks, impressed us with his legal thinking and his desire to make the system work better. He has the makings of a good, fair-minded...

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