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 v.— «People will risk their lives to spave—spend to save—at Ikea.» —“Fraught & social—Diary” by Kate Muir Times (London, England) Dec. 1, 2001. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

code pink

code pink n. in a hospital, an emergency concerning an infant, including a medical complication or a risk of abduction. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

probability neglect

probability neglect  n.— «Humans are the only species that understand risk, but we also engage in what’s called “probability neglect.” This is when we ignore probabilities and worry about more traumatic possibilities...


finsurance  n.— «Insurance companies are fighting for share of a market that totals more than 77 million Americans. Yes, boomers and others will likely invest a portion of their nest eggs in what Milevsky refers to as...


oil-spot  v.— «Chris makes sure everyone is onboard and says to John, our driver, “We’re a bus,” which means, everyone’s on, let’s go.…Failing to leave a sign of your temporary absence puts you at risk of being “oil...


genotoxicity  n.— «He described a process known as genotoxicity, which begins when depleted uranium dust is inhaled. “The particles that dissolve pose a risk—part radioactive—and part from the chemical toxicity in the lung,” he...