garriage n.— «If the homosexual population was arguing for a defined union of their own, they’d have far more success. Almost nobody is going to argue that gays have no right to form their own union called, say…“Garriage.” And then...
rum court n.— «Michael Ratner from the Centre for Constitutional Rights said: “The outcome has been predetermined when you go into one of these special, what I have to call, a kangaroo hearing, CSRT (Combatant Status Review...
take to the diaper v. phr.— «They used to call it “taking to the diaper,” a phrase that referred to the preparation undertaken by a prudent senator before an extended filibuster. The late South Carolina senator Strom Thurmond holds the...
A-she-ville n.— «In Asheville, that’s a problem. Straight people here proudly refer to the town as the lesbian capital of the South; when they joke about “A-she-ville,” they’re proud.» —“The Anti-Rights...
kneel-in n.— «The white churches, indeed, were challenged. Through the inspired method known as the “kneel-in,” blacks would come to white churches to pray. They were all too often enjoined to leave.» —“Sokol examines...
shadow report n.— «As part of that review, the official State report is presented along with what is called a “shadow report,” a rebuttal from non-government organizations (NGOs), advocacy groups, and citizen representatives. The US...