“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.” This kind of sudden, surprising turn in a sentence is called a paraprosdokian. Martha and Grant trade some examples. This is part of a...
stall ball n.— «He also should tone down rhetoric on gambling, labor initiatives and social issues so as not to offend. With a big lead, it’s best to be somewhat bland, the experts said. In essence, he needs to concentrate on not making...
Aloha! We have another A Way with Words podcast goofy-footing among the grommets. Martha's been putting together a collection of your favorite collective nouns and Grant joins her to swat around a caller’s question about what to call a...
n.— «Some are put off by the New Age rhetoric of crystals, spiritualism, and therapism.» —“In excess: radical extensions of neopragmatism” by Susan C. Jarratt May 18, 1995. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
jointery n.— «The Government, however, now has to turn the rhetoric of the SDR into reality—in particular, what Johns describes as the key theme of “jointery,” of tri -service commands—known as Purple commands in the UK...
heresthetic n.— «In this connection the distinction between rhetoric and heresthetic is that rhetoric involves converting others by persuasive argument, whereas heresthetic involves structuring the situation so that others accept it...