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Baseball Dictionary

Grant gives a brief review of the new third edition of Paul Dickson’s The Dickson Baseball Dictionary, all 974 pages and 4.5 pounds of it. This is part of a complete episode.


porkulus  n.— «This massive porkulus—it’s not a stimulus, it’s a porkulus—this porkulus spending extravaganza has been flatly rejected by the Office of Management and Budget and Wall Street.» —“Our EIB Week in Review: “Support...

McCain derangement syndrome

McCain derangement syndrome  n.— Note: This follows the earlier coined “Clinton derangement syndrome” and Bush derangement syndrome. «McCain Derangement Syndrome is now a line used to describe people who argue against McCain...


damselling  n.— «In his essay on Robert Walser, Coetzee refers to the pleasure the writer got from “damselling,” which he defines as “experiencing a feminine life imaginatively from the inside.” We are probably safe...

Words of the Year (full episode)

In this episode, Grant offers a peek at some expressions he’s nominating for the American Dialect Society’s 2007 Word of the Year vote in January, 2008. Will it be w00t, subprime, or something else? You can also check out Grant’s...