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gun-grabber  n.— «Davis, 54, got a TNT-like retirement gift from one right-wing newspaper. Atop a story announcing that Davis was going, the paper’s headline cried, with utmost objectivity: “Chief Gun-Grabber Retires...


free-tirement  n.— «“Rehirement” and “free-tirement” are two of manynew buzzwords coined to describe this third stage of life.» —“Today’s Retirement Journey” by Betsy Streisand U.S. News & World...


rehirement  n.— «“Rehirement” and “free-tirement” are two of manynew buzzwords coined to describe this third stage of life.» —“Today’s Retirement Journey” by Betsy Streisand U.S. News & World...


bed-blocker  n.— «Many veteran Conservative MPs who might have been expected to retire from the fray at the next General Election, are obdurately staying put.…Since Tony Blair is unlikely to send them to the House of Lords on...


young-old  n.— «Another meaningful division of the life cycle is now appearing in the rise of the young-old, a group drawn mainly from the 55-to-75 age group. The young-old are distinguished from the middle-aged primarily by retirement...