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on memo

on memo  adv. phr.— «“I can’t afford to ship on memo. Now, can I sell you anything?”…Unfortunately this buyer probably got his consignment merchandise next door. For there is a good deal of business done on memo in the handbag...


word-fetti  n.— «And this year, the party paper will be inscribed with such goodwill messages as “peace’”celebrate” and “dance,” according to event coordinator Treb Heining. “It’s inspirational,”...

Abercrombie zombie

Abercrombie zombie  n.— «KarmaLoop was able to create an active and loyal customer base by railing against the large and trendy clothing stores found in malls—at times referring to them as the “Abercrombie Zombies,” a mockery...


guy-liner  n.— «The U.K. mass-market retailer Superdrug is touting eyeliner for the boys and, naturally, has dubbed it “guy-liner.”» —“Kohl for cats: High street likes ‘guy-liner’ look” by Stewart Who...

urban 99

urban 99  n.— «A 100,000-square-foot cap on the size of new stores in Tampa, Fla., led Wal-Mart to develop a store 1,000 square feet under the cap. It was successful and the retailer replicated the design in a number of other places around...