TagRegions of the United States

in-law chaser

in-law chaser n. a quick or unexpected (snow) storm. Etymological Note: The term appears to be mainly used by the Navajo. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

party fishing

party fishing  n.— «In fact, they were nice enough not to cite a friend of mine who, while I was talking to troopers, freed a salmon from the end of my line, bonked it on the head, and used it to fill his three-fish limit for the day. That...


shoefiti  n.— « Shoefiti…Beginning last fall, I started sending “Street Light Outage” reports to Xcel whenever I spotted a pair of shoes on lines in our fair city. » —“Shoefiti” by Ed Kohler in...


shoefiti  n.— «Shoes hanging from utility lines are an international phenomenon, and the possible causes are the subject of seemingly endless speculation. There’s even a newly coined word for it: “shoefiti,” a combination of shoes and...


wrong-sider  n.— «And when Papineau—or any other lefty steps up to the plate—he’s referred to as a wrong-sider.» —“Team takes baseball to its roots” by Paul Costanzo Times Herald (Port Huron, Michigan) May...

legislative cracker-barrel

legislative cracker-barrel  n.— «As part of what’s called the Legislative Cracker-barrel, state lawmakers from the Elk Point area were invited to answer questions about what’s going on at the state level.» —“South Dakota Lawmakers...