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reef  v.— «Fittings: An ironic term describing plumbing parts that don’t fit together no matter how hard you reef on them.» —“Say cheese, then get scrubbing—How to put words to your dishwasher woes” by Mag...


reef v. to use (excessive) force, especially when hitting, pulling, or twisting (on something). Editorial Note: Jonathon Green’s Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang has a related definition, “to gouge out, to attack, to remove forcibly” and...


reef  v.— «Babe Zaharias is a dark brown filly with a pauper’s life-time earnings. She stood in box No.76 reefing at the leads that held her head up and away from the straw.» —“Bold Ha Ha fails champion test” by Patrick...


 v.— «I got my first grey hair yesterday. It was reefed without mercy from its root.» —“It’s time I was put out to greys” by Nicola Tallant Mirror Oct. 11, 1996. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


reef  v.— «I failed to understand it a bit later, when I hooked the bottom of the lake. To me, reefing and reefing and reefing on my Very Expensive graphite rod was fairly serious business. To her, it was a good belly laugh. Especially...


reef  v.— «Son of Briartic started cranking his head sideways during the stretch run. “All those people were there.…But I was reefing on him. He responded well.”» —“It was all hollering and hoots for...

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