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flat-water pool

flat-water pool  n.— «With apologies to Dr. Seuss, what do you call a swimming hole with no sprinklers, kerpinklers or soaking walinklers?…“In the business, we refer to it at as a flat-water pool,” says Peter Dunn of St. Louis...

steel beach

steel beach  n.— «Sometimes, the ship’s recreation department organises events on board, including sports and what’s called a “steel beach picnic”—a barbecue on the flight deck.» —“City at Sea” by Sopaporn...


zoomer  n.— «In Longmont, they’ve already begun adding recreation programs aimed at active 50-something residents who officials have taken to calling “zoomers.”» —“Young and hip?” by Trevor Hughes Daily...

block hang

block hang  v.— «Block hang v.—This is the recreation of choice during the day. There’s nothing better than block hangin’ out front of your favorite corner store or housing project with some cuddies and dosia rolled up in a vega...


snag n. in firefighting, a standing dead or burned tree. Etymological Note: This is directly related to two older senses: ‘a branch stump on a trunk’ and ‘a dead tree or branch, in the bottom of a body of water, that interferes with navigation or...