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Listener Mail

Hello, everybody. Welcome to another newsletter from A Way with Words! This weekend we aired a repeat episode in which we discussed "drive safe" vs. "drive safely," the meaning of "paratereseomaniac," and the expression...

Origin of Surf Lingo “Groms”

A longboarder reports she and her fellow surfers refer to young surfers as groms or grommets—not to be confused, of course, with hodads and kooks. But where’d that surfing lingo come from? This is part of a complete episode.

Wit’s War

It’s a brand-new season here on A Way with Words! To celebrate, Martha and Grant are noodling with anagrams— including the one in the title of this episode. This is part of a complete episode.


greenprint  n.— Â«Papers already submitted to the Burgess Park Steering Group, a joint subcommittee of councillors from the planning and leisure committees, indicate variations on the former GLC greenprint. Early this year when the new...


kneelo n. a person who rides a kneeboard. Editorial Note: A kneeboard is a short surfboard on which a rider kneels. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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