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We’ve come a long way!

In 2007, the public media organization that created A Way with Words had a problem. They loved our show but a deep recession meant the station couldn’t afford to keep producing it. So they canceled it. That could have been the end of A Way...

The Great Recession

Should the Great Recession be talked and written about as a proper noun? Recessions tend to be vague in their scale and timelines, so it’s problematic to mention them as proper nouns. Perhaps the similarities in sound between Great Recession...


depressionary  adj.—Gloss: Related to a depression or a recession that looks like it could become a depression. «The destruction of consumer spending forces all economic actors to lower down their prices. So it clearly has a...

scare word

scare word  n.— Note: A boo word. «The worries are real—including, among some economists, about the risks of a depression, which despite its scare-word status is just another term for an especially long or deep recession.» —“izing Up...

hero bump

hero bump  n.— «And that’s when I hit the moguls, turning my knees hydraulic on Gandy Dancer, a narrow gully of what I call “hero bumps,” perfectly shaped mogul lines on a gradual pitch where I won’t pick up too much speed.» —“What...

roll rate

roll rate  n.— «We’re in the late stages of the financial disaster of 2008, but another crisis looms: The consumer recession. According to the Wall Street Journal, more and more credit-card holders are falling behind on their payments and...