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spadia  n.— «I’ve learned more about the Chronilog, comics (that fold that covers half of the Sunday comics is called a “spadia”) and the weather page in a little over a month as reader representative than in my entire 14 years...


ARC  n.— «Mary asks whether the bound galley is the same as the ARC. No, the ARC—the Advance Reader’s Copy—is still to come.» —“Bound galley question” by S.J. Rozan Progress Mar. 3, 2004. (source: Double-Tongued...


wad  v.— «I know the R1 gets your wheaties but she’s a handful for inexperienced riders. Be careful and try not to wad that expensive little toy.» —“February, 1999 600cc Shootout BBS, Archive One” by...


biking  n.— «“Whah? The dinner was biking?” We were obviously confused. “Yes, biking style.” And it is here that we must explain, dear reader, one of the many things which makes communication with the Japanese difficult...

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