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soft-seater  n.— «The number of reading series in Washington has grown impressively high. They fall into two main types: soft-seaters and hard seaters. A soft-seater is typically held in a fancy auditorium with a lectern and microphone on...

Lebanese loop

Lebanese loop  n.— «In addition, the so-called “Lebanese loop card trap” has spread across Argentina, Canada, Spain and the United States. For this crime, first discovered in Lebanon, a card trap, which uses a strip of film, is...


awfulize  v.— «He highlights and subsequently shatters a multitude of erroneous myths that are conceived within the particularly large cleavage between what one feels he “should” or “must” do, and what he wants to...

blink technology

blink technology  n.— «Chase Bank…will be the first to roll out what the industry calls contactless credit cards using what Chase has dubbed blink technology. Credit-card customers [will] simply pass those cards in front of a...


exformation  n.— «A Danish writer, Tor Norretranders, invented a term for this in his book The User Illusion: exformation. Exformation is short for “explicitly discarded information,” the information you strip out of a message...

cereal test

cereal test  n.— «Editors apply what is generically referred to in the newsroom as the “cereal test.” Photos that might upset a reader over breakfast are screened very carefully, and are used only if the subject matter or news...

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