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spread your wings

spread your wings  n.— «With sexually explicit rap music thumping from oversized speakers, cars spun and fishtailed with passengers hanging out of open doors and windows, a move called “spread your wings.”» —“Deadly...


unbwogable  adj.— «If you were in Kenya during the elections you would certainly have discovered that Kenyan Swahili got a new word into the vocabulary: “unbwogable.” The rap song “Can you bwogo me?” by the Luo...


L  n.— «The other day I blogged some of the words to a song called “Must Be the Money” by a rap group called Nelly. The verse is…”If you want to go take a ride with me, smoke an L in the back of my Benz...


pitching  n.— «All of that in one day, cuz there is no plan B for me man. If this rap s**t don’t work, I’m right back on the corner pitching rocks.» —“Tony Yayo: O.G. (Original Guerilla)” by Matt Barone AllHipHop...


boo-ya  n.— «Ok, I almost got the analogy…Here’s a hint for ya’ll: the plastic bag is a jim hat. Buildings is the boo-ya (my roomie’s term for “it”) But I can’t figure out how pink cookies is supposed to look like a...


cuddy  n.— «“Many times here, what I’ve considered to be thoughtful commentary based off Hip Hop history and the mores therein has been twisted to mean that I’m hating on something. Hmmmm…” “Not by me cuddy. though I...