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rail  n.— «After a biker-rail of meth, i wanna do something. after a biker-rail of blow, i wanna do more blow.» —“Re: Crank and coke comparision—question” by Capt. Meat Usenet: alt.drugs.hard Dec. 6, 1997...


rail  n.— «He discos about, raving throughout his kingdom/and lowers his head to snort a rail.» —“Moose in Manhatten” by lacelle@lifesci.lscf.ucsb.edu (John Lacelle) Usenet: alt.bigfoot Feb. 7, 1995. (source:...


rail  n.— «Fernando has an 8-ball of coke laid out on the bathroom counter, and he is like, “blow a rail, holmes!” I’d never done coke before.» —“My Fuckin Life is Over!” by aryan_soldat EliteFitness...