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joint rag

joint rag  n.— «Magazines produced by prisoners are called “joint rags.”» —“A convict’s look at life on the inside” in Carleton University Carleton Newsroom (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) July 21, 2009...

rag the puck

rag the puck  v. phr.— «Most of the time was consumed by arguments about scheduling of the actual trial. The prosecution accused the defense of what, in hockey parlance, is called “ragging the puck”: stalling until the game is over...


tumpsy  n.— «I reckon he lost his rag when one of them shouted “Move along beardy, I can’t get a decent shot of Li-Lo’s tumpsy!”» —“Jay Kay makes late bid for inclusion in next Virtua Fighter game” Star...


ragging  n.— «The walls are a subtle rose color done with a technique called ragging, in which paint is applied with a rag rather than a brush. The color matches the border of the Art Deco rug.» —“Two Country Houses and One Romance...

rag horn

rag horn  n.— «“The first time we saw it we were about 400 or 500 yards away, and we saw it up on this ridge with a bunch of cows. And we said “Oh, he’s just a rag horn’” Ralph said, referring to the term for a bull with small...


crackne  n.— «She was wearing dark, oversize diesel clothes, a ’do rag, and her face was very pale and full of crackne.» —“A Very Special Gawker Stalker: Natasha Lyonne Still Exists!” Gawker Jan. 24, 2006. (source:...