A listener was confused when she heard a radio announcer say a man had “Amanda Lynn” in his hands, only to find out that it was “a mandolin.” These funny misheard phrases are called mondegreens, a term coined in Sylvia...
Quiz Guy John Chaneski reprises his popular “Puzzle Hunt” game. This is part of a complete episode.
License-plate bingo, anyone? Quiz Guy John Chaneski offers a radio version. This is part of a complete episode.
The hosts offer some more full-deckisms, such as “He doesn’t have all his cornflakes in one box” and “She thought she couldn’t use her AM radio in the evening.” This is part of a complete episode.
What do you call that jarring sensation when you see a radio personality for the first time, and he looks nothing like what you expected? The hosts talked about it in a past episode. Listeners responded with more words for this phenomenon. This is...
You know that odd feeling when you’ve listened to a radio personality for years, but when you finally meet them, they look nothing like you’d imagined? Is there a word for that weird disconnect? Radiofreude, maybe? Hostbusters? This is...