bike whack v.— «Hit CP6 withouyt a hitch and headed to CP7 then a “bike whack” that would take us across a river and through a dense woods.…Most teams would back track the whole bike whack. We took roads...
bike-whack v.— «A straight bike-whack down through steep and unforgiving terrain. We lost our only odometer, a niterider battery pack, and I broke a spoke. It was nasty stuff.….We bikewhacked again and found no bridge...
bike-whack v.— «We chose to take a gamble and take an old logging road deep into the forest, then bushwhack up the steep hillside to reach the Parkway.…After about a mile and a half uphill walk/ride up past a cemetery, we entered...
ambulance chasing n.— «In 1977, Steven Weinberg, then two years shy of the Nobel Prize in Physics, decided to do a little of what some theorists call “ambulance chasing.” He heard a rumor, while spending a year at Stanford, that...
gold-plated event n.— «Unfortunately, as Dr. Weinberg pointed out, ordinary collisions also produce showers of the same particles coming out, and so the game has changed. Once upon a time, physicists would look for what they called “a...
sky bingo n.— «The skydivers will jump while unfurling a 700 square foot American flag, as well as play what is known as “sky bingo,” where the skydivers land on plates purchased by visitors to the Balloon Race.» —“Buffalo Trace...