Quiz Guy John Chaneski has a puzzle that’s sure to mooooooove you. It’s called “Animal Sounds” and of course, requires making an animal noise to answer each question. For example, if John asked a dog what part of a speaker is...
Quiz Guy John Chaneski has a puzzle about teeny tiny, itsy-bitsy anagrams. Each sentence clues two words that are anagrams of each other. For example, what anagrams are suggested by the observation That is an appropriate amount of butter. This is...
Chances are you recognize the expressions Judgment Day and root of all evil as phrases from the Bible. There are many others, such as the powers that be and bottomless pit, which both first appeared in scripture. • There’s a term for when the...
Inspired by the success of Barbenheimer, Quiz Guy John Chaneski seeks portmanteau titles for new movies that combine two plotlines. For example, he’s looking for a one-word title for a movie summarized this way: Only the persistent efforts of...
In 1803, a shy British pharmacist wrote a pamphlet that made him a reluctant celebrity. The reason? He proposed a revolutionary new system for classifying clouds — with Latin names we still use today, like cumulus, cirrus, and stratus. Also: when...
Silence comes in many forms. Writer Paul Goodman says there is, for example, the noisy silence of “resentment and self-recrimination,” and the helpful, participatory silence of actively listening to someone speak. • The strange story...