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Pig Zero

Pig Zero  n.— «There is not yet any genetic proof that this particular flu was ever in a pig. […] Now, scientists say, the hunt is on for what is jokingly being called Pig Zero. “No one that I’m aware of has swabbed pigs for this yet...

rocket docket

rocket docket  n.— «In a court system in which clerks get behind on scheduling trial dates by an additional 220 cases each and every day, Dallas” “proof or plea” docket is a big help, disposing of about 200 cases during...


movida  n.— «“Santa Fe, when I was younger, was known by its movidas, for lack of a better word,” Councilor Carmichael Dominguez said, using a local term that can refer to sly schemes. “How would we deal with people who said they got...

porn stache

porn stache  n.— «i forgot to mention the molester/nerd/porn stache your sporting.» —“more proof for the pot” by Nerd Slayer LA.Indymedia.org (Los Angeles, California) Sept. 9, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued...


poor  n.— «Her story is proof that elites lower the bar for poors. 5th in her class at a TTT high school, and a 1440 SAT should not be getting her into Yale.» —“Poor girl from VA struggles to fit in at YALE (feature)” by...

compassion club

compassion club  n.— «The society is one of two organizations in Victoria, and others worldwide, commonly called compassion clubs. These operations supply marijuana for use as medicine to people who show proof of a longstanding incurable...

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